Charles J. Kelly is a business consultant who some have referred to as a 'Rainmaker' due to implementing long-term strategic growth strategies that increase businesses' revenues not only in the short-term, but more importantly over the long term leading to year over year growth.
When I was younger I too wanted to find a way to 'get rich quick' because who wants to work the majority of their adulthood.
But as life has progressed I realized that there is no such thing as 'get rich quick' other than winning the powerball.
Instead, implementing and sticking with proven strategies over a long period of time is what produces unbelievable financial returns!
So if you're looking for a 'get rich quick' scheme I am NOT your guy!
I do not sell advertising.
However, many social media agencies out there that you have likely seen will 'help' you advertise on various platforms for a premium retainer. Sometimes in addition to the retainer they take a cut of your sales too.
I do not believe in such a model, but I do believe in advertising as once you have your marketing, sales & operations dialed in then that is when advertising can generate massive profits.
Advertising, when done correctly with your products/services can create an asset for your business that creates a forecastable revenue stream that will increase your year over year growth.
But, if you have a struggling business and think advertising is the 'fix' your business needs then I am not the answer. Advertising is not the answer, but first addressing the issues in your business before advertising would help your business.
As we live in a 'quick win', 'easy money', 'get rich quick', 'immediate gratification' world there are a lot of people out there who are NOT willing to do the hard things, put in the time and play the long game.
As a fellow human being, I respect those people.
I just simply do not agree with that approach to life and especially in business.
Business is hard.
If business was easy then every aspiring entrepreneur would be successful and there would no be failed businesses.
But that just ins't reality.
Reality is that business requires effort, a lot of effort, focus, strategy and playing the long game.
If you are NOT willing to put in the effort required to improve your business then my strategies will be of no help to you!
My main focus is to help you generate profits through proven strategic long-term growth strategies.
A lot of what we all see by other people is 'the new tactic', 'shortcuts' and 'tricks' that in the short-term provide a businesses additional revenue.
But eventually all of those short-term strategies burn out and leave you the business owner going back to the drawing board trying to figure out how to increase their revenues.
If you ever see my content my goal is to actually help you before you and I ever meet let alone decide to work together.
I do this by providing strategies that will actually help your business and that you can actually implement today!
What You Can Expect From Me?
Strategies and tactics that are actionable today that you can implement into your business and start seeing results
Me offering to help you with these strategies and tactics...for a 'nominal' fee.
Yes, I am openly saying I will help you for a fee.
But notice I said, 'nominal'.
According to the internet 'nominal' is defined as: 'far below the real value or cost'.
I am certain you can appreciate someone wanting to charge a fee for the value you bring.
As a business owner you do the same.
You charge a fee to your customers for a product/service that has so much value that your customers have no issue paying the fee because of that value you are providing.
Do not worry, I never charge a fee that is prohibitive to your business.
In the end, my fees are always nominal compared to the amount of revenue my strategies will provide your business.
But How Can I Trust You, Charles?
The first step I would take if I were in your shoes is to check out my free material and content.
If you like those then you would likely will find my trainings useful for your business.
If you do not like my free stuff then you probably won't find my trainings or direct help very useful.
And that is okay.
I am not a fit for everyone and everyone is not a fit for me.
Now What?
Check out the articles on the website.
If you find value you will likely want to sign up for some trainings.
If you like the trainings then you will likely will want to schedule time to meet with me to discuss the strategies and tactics I can help implement in your business.
If you have read all of this I appreciate your time.
Now go out there and be useful to your clients!